Microdose Mints

Microdose mints

Control in the palm of your hand.

Each of our five Microdose Mints are formulated around a specific THC to CBD ratio allowing you to have a heightened level of control over your experience.


Mints Per Tin

A Precise Dose

Each RATIO Microdose Mint has a precise dose per mint.

Fast Acting

Expect to feel the effects of your RATIO mint gradually come on 30-60 minutes after ingestion.


Mints Per Tin

Discreet & Portable

RATIO Microdose Mints are the perfect “any time, anywhere” solution.

Child-Resistant Packaging

All of our products come in child-resistant packaging.

Finding your proper dosage.

Allow 1 mint to dissolve under the tongue. Onset time and duration will vary, but typically you will begin feeling it in 30-60 minutes and it will last 4-8 hours. Wait 2 hours. Still not where you want to be? Try another mint.

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